"Toshies," created by legendary pixel artist Chuckchee, is an exclusive NFT collection in partnership with Opensea. With over 15 years of experience, Chuckchee brings diversity, humor, and inclusivity to his pixel art, inspired by his Buddhist practices and meditation. Known for his innovative NFT work, Chuckchee has captivated over 9500 unique NFT holders in previous collections. The Toshies collection features unique, meticulously crafted artworks, leveraging blockchain to guarantee authenticity and ownership, and continuing to push the boundaries of art and technology.
"Toshies," created by legendary pixel artist Chuckchee, is an exclusive NFT collection in partnership with Opensea. With over 15 years of experience, Chuckchee brings diversity, humor, and inclusivity to his pixel art, inspired by his Buddhist practices and meditation. Known for his innovative NFT work, Chuckchee has captivated over 9500 unique NFT holders in previous collections. The Toshies collection features unique, meticulously crafted artworks, leveraging blockchain to guarantee authenticity and ownership, and continuing to push the boundaries of art and technology.