TabTrader is a comprehensive, mobile-first trading terminal designed to provide users with an integrated platform for trading on various cryptocurrency exchanges. Accessible on both Android and iOS, the platform offers real-time market data, technical analysis tools, and features aimed at enhancing the trading experience. Users can connect to over 30 major exchanges, such as Binance, Coinbase, and Kraken via API keys, ensuring secure trading across these platforms directly from the app. With charts, indicators, and drawing tools for technical analysis, an alert system for market movements, and encrypted API data, TabTrader caters to both novice and experienced traders. The app boasts over 1.6 million downloads and 400,000 active users, with plans to expand to desktop and DEX versions, solidifying its dominance as an exchange aggregation platform. Additionally, it supports algorithmic strategies via a robust server API and is a certified client for Forex and stock exchanges.)
TabTrader is a comprehensive, mobile-first trading terminal designed to provide users with an integrated platform for trading on various cryptocurrency exchanges. Accessible on both Android and iOS, the platform offers real-time market data, technical analysis tools, and features aimed at enhancing the trading experience. Users can connect to over 30 major exchanges, such as Binance, Coinbase, and Kraken via API keys, ensuring secure trading across these platforms directly from the app. With charts, indicators, and drawing tools for technical analysis, an alert system for market movements, and encrypted API data, TabTrader caters to both novice and experienced traders. The app boasts over 1.6 million downloads and 400,000 active users, with plans to expand to desktop and DEX versions, solidifying its dominance as an exchange aggregation platform. Additionally, it supports algorithmic strategies via a robust server API and is a certified client for Forex and stock exchanges.)