Protagonist, formerly known as Ship Capital, operates as a venture studio uniquely poised at the intersection of storytelling, technology, and digital commerce, with a significant emphasis on the Web3 sector. Their mission revolves around the creation, development, and nurturing of Web3 ventures that blend narrative-driven projects with the innovative capabilities of blockchain technology. Through their platform,, they offer a pioneering ecosystem that marries traditional storytelling with the groundbreaking elements of Web3 technologies to produce immersive experiences and pioneer a new wave of digital interactions. Their diverse portfolio features projects spanning from NFT initiatives to distinctive digital platforms designed to revolutionize user engagement via storytelling within a decentralized framework. Protagonist adopts a comprehensive approach, providing strategic investment, development support, and marketing acumen to guide Web3 projects from their inception to execution and further. Positioned as a venture capital firm, Protagonist focuses on backing early-stage technology ventures, building and investing in next-gen crypto companies and protocols acr...
Protagonist, formerly known as Ship Capital, operates as a venture studio uniquely poised at the intersection of storytelling, technology, and digital commerce, with a significant emphasis on the Web3 sector. Their mission revolves around the creation, development, and nurturing of Web3 ventures that blend narrative-driven projects with the innovative capabilities of blockchain technology. Through their platform,, they offer a pioneering ecosystem that marries traditional storytelling with the groundbreaking elements of Web3 technologies to produce immersive experiences and pioneer a new wave of digital interactions. Their diverse portfolio features projects spanning from NFT initiatives to distinctive digital platforms designed to revolutionize user engagement via storytelling within a decentralized framework. Protagonist adopts a comprehensive approach, providing strategic investment, development support, and marketing acumen to guide Web3 projects from their inception to execution and further. Positioned as a venture capital firm, Protagonist focuses on backing early-stage technology ventures, building and investing in next-gen crypto companies and protocols acr...