Overall Protocol is a decentralized, non-custodial money market protocol that enables users to lend and borrow a diverse range of cryptocurrencies across multiple blockchains, aiming to provide liquidity to the crypto market. It allows participants to earn passive income through deposits or obtain loans via over-collateralization, utilizing blockchain technology to ensure transaction security and contract enforcement, thereby minimizing the risk of defaults. The platform features variable interest rates based on supply and demand for each cryptocurrency, promoting competitive rates for both borrowers and lenders. Emphasizing decentralization and transparency, Overall Protocol ensures users have full visibility over transactions and the smart contracts that govern them. Additionally, it operates as a multichain DeFi protocol built on the Ethereum blockchain, focusing on yield discovery and optimization. It is designed as a community-managed platform where users can deposit liquidity, receive oTokens, and earn optimized yields with minimal effort through Circles, user-friendly asset managers. The protocol supports the proposal, review, and implementation of yield strategies by it...
Overall Protocol is a decentralized, non-custodial money market protocol that enables users to lend and borrow a diverse range of cryptocurrencies across multiple blockchains, aiming to provide liquidity to the crypto market. It allows participants to earn passive income through deposits or obtain loans via over-collateralization, utilizing blockchain technology to ensure transaction security and contract enforcement, thereby minimizing the risk of defaults. The platform features variable interest rates based on supply and demand for each cryptocurrency, promoting competitive rates for both borrowers and lenders. Emphasizing decentralization and transparency, Overall Protocol ensures users have full visibility over transactions and the smart contracts that govern them. Additionally, it operates as a multichain DeFi protocol built on the Ethereum blockchain, focusing on yield discovery and optimization. It is designed as a community-managed platform where users can deposit liquidity, receive oTokens, and earn optimized yields with minimal effort through Circles, user-friendly asset managers. The protocol supports the proposal, review, and implementation of yield strategies by it...