Governing the Future is a podcast series hosted by Jessica Angel and created by Hajak focusing on the impact of blockchain and web3 technologies on society's governance structures. This series aims to delve deep into how decentralized technologies and innovative governance models can redefine our approach to managing communities, economies, and global systems. Through insightful discussions with experts in the field, the podcast explores the practical applications, challenges, and opportunities presented by blockchain, smart contracts, DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations), and other web3 innovations. While the podcast itself is a form of digital media content, its content is centered around the transformative potential of decentralized technologies in fostering new, more participatory forms of governance. The series serves an educational purpose, enhancing listeners' understanding of complex subjects within the web3 and crypto ecosystem, particularly focusing on governance issues in the digital age.
Governing the Future is a podcast series hosted by Jessica Angel and created by Hajak focusing on the impact of blockchain and web3 technologies on society's governance structures. This series aims to delve deep into how decentralized technologies and innovative governance models can redefine our approach to managing communities, economies, and global systems. Through insightful discussions with experts in the field, the podcast explores the practical applications, challenges, and opportunities presented by blockchain, smart contracts, DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations), and other web3 innovations. While the podcast itself is a form of digital media content, its content is centered around the transformative potential of decentralized technologies in fostering new, more participatory forms of governance. The series serves an educational purpose, enhancing listeners' understanding of complex subjects within the web3 and crypto ecosystem, particularly focusing on governance issues in the digital age.