FLEABONE is an innovative animated project inspired by Matt Furie's art, featuring a narrative about a breakdancing dog navigating life's quirky challenges in a surreal universe. It offers a web3-driven community experience, inviting users to participate in the creative process by purchasing tribute tokens, thus supporting the production of upcoming episodes. This model leverages blockchain technology to offer collectibles and enhance engagement. The Fleabone (BONE) cryptocurrency, launched in 2024 on the Ethereum platform, is integral to this ecosystem. While it has a supply of 420,690,000,000 BONE, none are in circulation yet. Its price has shown volatility, with a recent peak at 0.00002784 USD and significant trading volumes. The project invites fans to shape its direction, indulging in Furie's iconic style and humor, making them contributors in an immersive and innovative narrative experience. The project initially faced rejection in 2015 but resurfaces in a lively universe with vibrant characters and plots.
FLEABONE is an innovative animated project inspired by Matt Furie's art, featuring a narrative about a breakdancing dog navigating life's quirky challenges in a surreal universe. It offers a web3-driven community experience, inviting users to participate in the creative process by purchasing tribute tokens, thus supporting the production of upcoming episodes. This model leverages blockchain technology to offer collectibles and enhance engagement. The Fleabone (BONE) cryptocurrency, launched in 2024 on the Ethereum platform, is integral to this ecosystem. While it has a supply of 420,690,000,000 BONE, none are in circulation yet. Its price has shown volatility, with a recent peak at 0.00002784 USD and significant trading volumes. The project invites fans to shape its direction, indulging in Furie's iconic style and humor, making them contributors in an immersive and innovative narrative experience. The project initially faced rejection in 2015 but resurfaces in a lively universe with vibrant characters and plots.