CryptoCream Studios consists of CryptoCream and CreamyFriends NFTs. Both utilize their unique staking system where holders can generate $CREAMY if they stake their NFT. With the $CREAMY Token, you will be able participate in raffles, auctions, and be able to upgrade your NFT to earn more $CREAMY. All $CREAMY that is spent will be burned therefore $CREAMY is deflationary.
CryptoCream Studios consists of CryptoCream and CreamyFriends NFTs. Both utilize their unique staking system where holders can generate $CREAMY if they stake their NFT. With the $CREAMY Token, you will be able participate in raffles, auctions, and be able to upgrade your NFT to earn more $CREAMY. All $CREAMY that is spent will be burned therefore $CREAMY is deflationary.