Asteroid Shiba is a cryptocurrency inspired by the Polaris Dawn mission, where a Shiba Inu plush toy named "Asteroid" served as a zero-gravity indicator. This gives the project a unique narrative that blends space travel and emotional storytelling, differentiating it from other meme coins. The mascot was designed by young cancer survivor Liv Perrotto, adding an emotional layer and a community rallying point. The project aims to build a vibrant community driven by its inspiring origins and web3 functionalities.
Asteroid Shiba is a cryptocurrency inspired by the Polaris Dawn mission, where a Shiba Inu plush toy named "Asteroid" served as a zero-gravity indicator. This gives the project a unique narrative that blends space travel and emotional storytelling, differentiating it from other meme coins. The mascot was designed by young cancer survivor Liv Perrotto, adding an emotional layer and a community rallying point. The project aims to build a vibrant community driven by its inspiring origins and web3 functionalities.