Aspect, initially known as PlayOasis, is an innovative project that establishes a marketplace focused on algorithmically generated art, deeply rooted in the realm of Generative Art. It serves as a comprehensive platform on the StarkNet layer two blockchain, providing a seamless and curated experience for artists, collectors, and enthusiasts of AI-driven digital art within the blockchain ecosystem. Leveraging the Ethereum blockchain's secure and scalable infrastructure, Aspect stands out for its use of smart contracts and NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) to ensure transparent transactions, authenticity, and undisputed ownership of digital artworks. This project not only enhances the digital art economy by offering functionalities such as near-zero gas fees for transactions, making offers, and listing NFTs but also marks a significant contribution to the evolution of art in the digital age, underpinned by decentralized technologies.
Aspect, initially known as PlayOasis, is an innovative project that establishes a marketplace focused on algorithmically generated art, deeply rooted in the realm of Generative Art. It serves as a comprehensive platform on the StarkNet layer two blockchain, providing a seamless and curated experience for artists, collectors, and enthusiasts of AI-driven digital art within the blockchain ecosystem. Leveraging the Ethereum blockchain's secure and scalable infrastructure, Aspect stands out for its use of smart contracts and NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) to ensure transparent transactions, authenticity, and undisputed ownership of digital artworks. This project not only enhances the digital art economy by offering functionalities such as near-zero gas fees for transactions, making offers, and listing NFTs but also marks a significant contribution to the evolution of art in the digital age, underpinned by decentralized technologies.