Adaverse is a Cardano-focused accelerator aimed at fostering the growth of the Cardano ecosystem within Africa. It represents a collaborative effort between EMURGO Africa and Everest Ventures Group, focusing on supporting African startups that utilize Cardano blockchain technology. The primary mission of Adaverse is to provide a comprehensive support system to these startups, encompassing seed funding, technical expertise, marketing, and community engagement. By doing so, Adaverse endeavors to promote the adoption and innovation of blockchain solutions across various sectors including finance, healthcare, and agriculture, contributing to economic and technological progress throughout the continent. This initiative not only cultivates a fertile ground for entrepreneurs, strategists, and mentors but also aims to position Africa as a significant hub for solution-driven blockchain products that have a global impact.
Adaverse is a Cardano-focused accelerator aimed at fostering the growth of the Cardano ecosystem within Africa. It represents a collaborative effort between EMURGO Africa and Everest Ventures Group, focusing on supporting African startups that utilize Cardano blockchain technology. The primary mission of Adaverse is to provide a comprehensive support system to these startups, encompassing seed funding, technical expertise, marketing, and community engagement. By doing so, Adaverse endeavors to promote the adoption and innovation of blockchain solutions across various sectors including finance, healthcare, and agriculture, contributing to economic and technological progress throughout the continent. This initiative not only cultivates a fertile ground for entrepreneurs, strategists, and mentors but also aims to position Africa as a significant hub for solution-driven blockchain products that have a global impact.