MSFTBlockchainMSFTBlockchainMSFTBlockchain on Azure simplifies consortium blockchain networks creation and management, supporting multiple protocols and smart contracts, for enhanced business transparency and efficiency across sectors like finance and supply chain.
Opera CryptoOpera CryptoOpera Crypto Browser offers a user-friendly web3 portal with built-in crypto wallet for Ethereum, Bitcoin & more, facilitating easy access to DApps, blockchain games, crypto news, and educational content.
brigbrigBrig offers secure, decentralized file sync with Git-based version control, client-side encryption, and unique deduplication for efficient storage. Its P2P architecture ensures privacy and resilience, targeting users seeking an alternative to traditio...
VercelVercelDevelop. Preview. Ship.
Databricks AIDatabricks AIDatabricks AI sets new standards in open source AI with DBRX, excelling in quality and efficiency to help enterprises build custom AI systems using their data.
Polkadot-JSPolkadot-JSPolkadot-JS enhances Polkadot & Substrate ecosystems, offering tools like an API for development, a secure wallet extension, and a user-friendly portal for transactions and network interaction.
BubbleBubbleBubble.io is a no-code platform for building web apps with ease, enabling the creation of dApps through drag-and-drop and blockchain integration without deep coding skills.
GalxeGalxeGalxe is a Web3 credential data network for issuing, managing, and leveraging on-chain credentials, enabling personalized experiences, gated communities, and rewards across blockchain ecosystems.
LinearLinearThe issue tracking tool you’ll enjoy using.
KubernetesKubernetesKubernetes is an open-source system for automating, scaling, and management of containerized apps, essential for deploying robust web3 and blockchain services.
Solana MobileSolana MobileSolana Mobile's Saga phone integrates the Solana blockchain for secure crypto transactions, dApp usage, and NFT interactions, featuring a Seed Vault for asset security and the SMS SDK for developing native mobile experiences.
Awesome IPFSAwesome IPFSAwesome IPFS showcases a variety of projects on IPFS protocol to enhance a decentralized web, including DApps, tools, and resources for developers and enthusiasts.